As you can imagine, applying for finance in a country where you have no credit history, often results in finding lots of doors closing for you. Expatcar have spent many years developing a relationship with a number of “prime” UK lenders to enable us to provide you with many finance options.

We are able to offer finance packages that are tailored to your needs, for example length of contract or assignment, mileage or simply family needs.

Our most popular options are:

Hire Purchase
Personal Contract Purchase (leasing)
Personal or Business Contract Hire

In order to provide this service we will require supporting paperwork and below is listed what we would normally require


Copy of Passport
Copy of working Visa
Copy of Driving Licence (this does not need to be a UK License)
Copy of tenancy agreement for UK property

Copy of Assignment letter in the UK
Details of HR dept in the UK
Recent UK bank statement or utility bill at the home address
Details of UK bank account


On occasion we are able to work with less, and sometimes the lenders may ask for additional information. We will discuss each case with you.

Regrettably finance is only available for cars that have been purchased through Expatcar, as we take on certain responsibilities for any car we agree to fund. If you have found a car we may be able to negotiate with your chosen dealer to facilitate this however please note that does not work all of the time.

In addition to finance, Expatcar are also able to accept US$ cheques or wire transfers